
OnTime.Build is a technology company founded by construction professionals who genuinely understand the construction industry. We use technology to solve the everyday pain of material ordering, saving time and money for OnTime.Build users.

Our platform allows users, both construction professionals, and suppliers to manage ordering and delivery process of building materials in real time and with 100% accuracy. Contractors and suppliers are all too familiar with the problems associated with getting materials to job site. Much can get lost in translation, and project schedules sometimes slip due to a lack of accurate and timely deliveries.

OnTime.Build is designed to increase productivity and keep everything on schedule, our mobile and online technology are demonstrating an invaluable resource to construction companies and suppliers to monitor progress and keep all members of the project fully informed, in real time. The most widely used of all technologies on the market at this time are mobile devices, allowing construction businesses to access, document, order and edit material flow even while on the job site. The new definition of the hands-on trade includes a mobile device in those hands.

Access to real-time project material data and to cover the shortfalls in building supplies can be highlighted immediately and with apps like OnTime.Build, those problems can be dealt with quickly with the ability to build materials list and have on-demand delivery so projects can continue. Technology’s role in the construction industry will continue to grow and evolve. Further developments in wearable and robotics will have a more substantial influence in the sector. This technology trends will revolutionize the world of construction.

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us for help